Uplift Girls

Artwork by Gemynii

 About The Program: 

Uplift Girls invites girls ages 9-18, to have open dialogue about their experiences and to be empowered by speaking their truths through culmination in a dance theater performance. 


Our program has four core components: Self-Care, Entrepreneurship, Movement and Global Citizenship.  

Each workshop session includes self-reflection, discussion, hands-on exploration and opportunity to process their experiences. 


Through this workshop and performance experience, the participants will be mentored and guided by

JOYEMOVEMENT company members and other influential women in their community who are mentors.


 The project goal is for girls to go from limited choices to limitless opportunity and leadership in their community.


Our inaugural group was launched in 2016 through support from The North Carolina Arts Council Regional Arts Grant Program. 

 For more information please contact: